What we do
We design and implement pipeline initiatives to motivate and educate students interested in entering the biomedical career pathway. These initiatives include campus visits, leadership and development sessions and education enrichment workshops. We offer both virtual and in person programming.
Meet our Team
Irene Chapa, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Recruitment & Science Outreach (ORSO)
Director, Voelcker Biomedical Research Academy (VBRA)
Director, South Texas Undergraduate Research Academy (STUROP)
Office: (210) 567-3941
E-mail: chapai@uthscsa.edu

Olga Coronado
Academic Programs Coordinator-Lead ORSO
Office of Recruitment and Science Outreach
Office: (210) 567-0380
E-mail: coronadoo@uthscsa.edu
Adriana Avendano
Program Coordinator-Lead-STUROP
Office of Recruitment & Science Outreach
Office: (210) 567-3587
E-mail: Avendanoa@uthscsa.edu

Kristen La Porte
Program Coordinator-Lead VBRA
Office of Recruitment & Science Outreach
Voelcker Biomedical Research Academy (VBRA)
Office: (210) 450-8246
E-mail: laporte@uthscsa.edu
Amanda Luera
Program Coordinator -Senior ORSO
Office of Recruitment & Science Outreach
Office: (210) 567-6796
E-mail: lueraa@uthscsa.edu